Tuesday 26 August 2014

About Al-Fatiha

Al-Fatiha is the first order of letters in Ottoman Manuscripts', meaning "opener". Letters were lowered in Makah and consists of 7 verses of this is that the first letter and lowered by a full letter belonged Makiyyah.
This letter is called "Al-Fatihah" (Opener) for marks the beginning of the Qur'an; Similarly named "Umm al-Quran" (Quran parent) or "Umm al-kitab" (the parent of the Book) as a parent for all the contents of the Koran, as well as being the essence of the content of al-Koran, which therefore must be read in prayer; Also named "Al-Sab`u al-Matsânî" (seven repetitive) because the verse of seven and read repeatedly in prayer.

A number of questions come to mind regarding the laying of the reasons Al-Fatiha in the first place, when the first letter is the letter down al-`Alaq (paragraphs 1 to 5). On this subject, Ustadz Muhammad al-Madani Shaykh replied, "If the Qur'an prepared in accordance with the order of decline, surely most people would understand that the Qur'an was revealed only appropriate for an event and alone. Alternatively, a temporary rule to solve the problems that occur in the time of the Prophet only. In fact, God wants Koran generally accepted (includes all problems) and are universal, not just for one time and people. Thus, the Qur'an was composed by systematics now showing the universality and eternity, and kept away from temporary arrangement, which only showed urgency at a time only, ie when the decline. "
Regarding the question why Al-Fatiha is placed on the first order, apparently because of a letter allegedly Qur'an is the essence of this letter is therefore also called the "Umm al-Qur'an" (Koran Parent). In addition, this letter has the privilege and the virtue that no other letter, as spoken by the Prophet in the history of Ibn Hibban bin Ubai Ka`ab ra, "Never lose God in the Torah and the Gospel which equaled Umm al-Quran (Al-Fatiha). "" Fatiha of the Book (al-Fatihah) is the most precious letter in the Koran. "
It was narrated from `Ali ra that the Prophet Muhammad. said, "Who read the Fatiha of the Book (al-Fatiha), it is as if he has read the Torah, the Gospel, the Psalms, and al-Furqan (the Qur'an)." Imam Ibn al-Qayyim al-Jawzi confirms that the Qur'an, al-Fatihah in particular, can cure physical and spiritual. Maybe that's why this letter is also named al-Shifa '(drugs). Another specialty of this letter is required to be read each time praying, because that letter is named al-sab` al-matsânî (seven repetitive), as suggested also in the Qur'an al-Hijr letter [15]: 87, "and indeed We have given you seven verses are read over and over and the great Qur'an."
Also implied by the Prophet as al-Bukhari mentioned that Abu Sa'id, namely Rafi 'bin al-Mu`allâ ra said that the Prophet Muhammad. had said to him, "Will you teach me the letter of the Koran were the most exalted before you get out of the mosque?" He then took my hand. When we were about to get out of the mosque, I was reminded, "O Messenger of Allah, you had promised to teach me the letter of the Koran the greatest." He replied, "(The letter is) Al-hamdulillâhi rabbill`âlamîn, seven verses were repeated and over (in prayer) and the most noble Qur'an which was revealed to me. "
Abu Hurayrah radi 'anhu narrated by Al-Imam Muslim rahimahullahu that the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam once said:
Allah says: "I divide the prayer (Al-Fatiha) into two parts, for me and for my servant. And to my servant what he asked for. "If a servant say," Thank God Rabbil 'Alamin', then Allah says, 'My servant has praised Me. "When My servants to say," Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim ", then God says," my servant has really flatter me. "If the servant saying," Maliki yaumiddîn. "then God said," my servant has glorified me. "When the servant say," na Iyyâka 'Budu wa iyyâka nasta'în. "Then God said," that is between Me and My servant and for my servant what he asked for. "If the servant is saying," Ihdinash shirâthal Mustaqim, shiratal ladzîna an'amta' alaihim ghairil maghdûbi 'alaihim waladh dhâllîn. "Then God said," that is between Me and My servant and for my servant what he asked. "
This letter contains some basic elements that reflect the entire contents of the Qur'an, namely:
1 Faith. Gesture of faith in the Almighty God contained in paragraph 2 of this verse states unequivocally that all praise and thanksgiving for favors something belongs only to God, because God is the Creator and the source of every blessing. Among the favors it is: a favor to create, educate and cultivate favors, because the word "Lord" in the phrase "Rabb al-`âlamîn" does not only mean "God" and "Ruler", but also connotes tarbiyah, which educate and grow. This shows that all the blessings contained in a person and all of nature is derived from God because God is the All-Mighty in nature. Education, preservation, and restoration by God in nature this should be noted and considered by the deeply human, so it becomes a source of various kinds of knowledge that can add to the grandeur of human faith and the glory of God and is useful for the community. Therefore faith (monotheism) it is a fundamental problem, then in the Al-Fatiha is not simply expressed by gesture alone, but confirmed and supplemented by paragraph 5, namely: "Iyyâka na'budu iyyâka nasta'în wa" (only you was the one we worship, and unto You we ask for help-lah). What is meant by "The day of vengeance mastering" is the day that Allah is in power, all things are subject to His greatness while expecting favors and fear His torment. This implies a promise to reward the good deeds and bad deeds against the threat. "Paragraph" 5 solely to God.
2 Second, the laws: Namely, the road of happiness and how it's supposed to be on the path to happiness the world and the hereafter. Intent "guidance" here is the guidance that the cause of the acquisition of safety, happiness of the world, and the hereafter, whether the beliefs and morals, laws and lessons.
3 stories. Namely, the prophets and those who oppose God first. Large a proportion of the verses of the Qur'an contains stories of the prophets and those who oppose God first. What is meant by those who were given favors in this paragraph are the prophets, the shiddîqîn (those true believers), the Martyrs' (those who were martyred), and the Righteous (the pious). "People wrath and those who go astray" are groups that deviate from the teachings of Islam. The details of which have been mentioned above contained in the verses of the Koran in the other letters.
In the metric of our lives, al-Fatihah can be described as well as guide sheet contracts we live in the world. There will be found a map, guide, and signs that guide and lead us to the straight path (al-shirath al-Mustaqim) so we do not get lost (dhalâl and ghadhab). Al-Fatihah is the key upon the success in the world and the hereafter. Wallahu a`lam sowab bish. *** (Bey, 1976; MORA, 1971: 3-4; Ghazali, 1995: 7; Thabrasî, I, 1379: 18).
Ila Al-Faqir Rabbi Rahmati, Rosihon Anwar

Wawan Ridwan AS

Author & Editor

Has laoreet percipitur ad. Vide interesset in mei, no his legimus verterem. Et nostrum imperdiet appellantur usu, mnesarchum referrentur id vim.

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