Thursday 28 August 2014





By: Wawan Ridwan


Community empowerment is an attempt to make people become empowered through learning efforts so that they are able to manage and be responsible for program development in the community. Learning is implemented in a series of community capacity building, which implementation should be tailored to the characteristics and capabilities of the local community because basically every community is unique. [1]

In terms of Government of Home Affairs stated that; Community Empowerment and is an attempt to realize the ability and independence of rural communities and urban neighborhoods covering economic, social, cultural, political and environmental governance by strengthening the village and village, community organizations and efforts in strengthening the capacity of communities [2]

Community empowerment paradigm is still dominated by the perception that efforts to improve the living standard of the people is done by giving a sum of money as capital. In fact, such an approach is not always appropriate, because the public is not necessarily in need of funds. Anyone has abundant natural resources, but do not know how to manage it. There are also people who have the ability to process natural resources they have, but can not access the market, so the problem can not be equated to empower communities, should be viewed case by case basis and region by region. [3]

Rubin suggests 5 basic principles of the concept of community empowerment as follows: [4]

1 Community empowerment requires a break-even in every activity under its management, although its orientation is different from business organizations, where the community development gains redistributed in the form of programs or other development activities.

2. Empowering always involve community participation in the planning and implementation undertaken.

3 In implementing community development programs, training activities is an element that can not be separated from physical development efforts.

4 In the implementation, development efforts must be able to maximize resources, particularly in terms of financing whether from government, private and other sources.

5. community development activities should be able to serve as a liaison between the government's interests with the interests of the public macro micro nature.

There are four (4) basic expectations to be achieved through community development programs in Indonesia, namely: [5]

1 Eradicate extreme poverty; community development programs can reduce the number of households or the poor in Indonesia.

2 Promoting Inclusive Development; community empowerment program encourages participation of marginalized groups, especially in lagging regions.

3. Accountable Public Service; community development programs strengthen the public service delivery system that is transparent and accountable in their working area.

4 Strengthening Local Capacity; community development programs will increase social capital and the capacity of various institutions at the local level.


Objective conditions of society as a whole still can be said has not changed much, except in certain areas. Limitations experienced by people in principle can not be separated from its access to economic access, education and health. These three aspects at the same time be a substantial determinant in community building. Isolated communities of information will remain in the backwardness hinders development in the future. Similarly, people who do not have access to public health is usually a little susceptible to economic shocks. Marginalized groups is the responsibility of the government and are entitled to special care in order to achieve certain conditions as a minimum requirement to be able to compete in a healthy manner. But in reality, these groups increasingly marginalized and are not getting the attention it deserves from the government.

As noted Pheni Chalid: 'The fact that the opposite often happens. The government often manipulate the system so that the orientation of the building is no longer grounded in the principles of justice and equity. Orientation government more focused on the interests of the ruling elite, not more. Therefore, efforts should be taken to strengthen the role of civil society and the revitalization of the system of government to better engage people in a variety of processes pengambilankeputusan ". [6]

The same thing is stated Zaki; Another obstacle experienced in the empowerment program is rooted perception that the government has the authority in the implementation of development and is positioned as the people who do not understand and are expected to take for granted the construction carried out. Meanwhile, the public in general believes that government must take care of all the needs of the community by way of development. Thus, participation is not uncommon for people, even considered troublesome. In other words, people assume that if the government would do the construction, the construction should be done without inconveniencing the public. Perceptions such as this is often the biggest obstacle in growing participation [7]

In this discussion the author would like to try to express some of the things related to the problems of our society today empowerment, .Good existing problems in the area Cinangka Cikancung and our society in general. This view will only be subjective but stated objective as possible:

1 Indeed, our nation's natural resources are very large for the welfare of its people for long periods of time if managed properly.

2 Reality that the quality of our nation's human resources are not balanced with the needs of natural resource exploration experts.

3 That the community should be recognized that we still have mainset needs to be fixed, our society is more likely to find a job than creating jobs, but it is influenced also by not having a provision of expertise.

4 Because of the limitations mainset, our society is more likely to take the path pintan and instant, including;

a) Apply for jobs with gratification.

b) When it is difficult to find a job or get laid off, anticipating the stall / shop / trade relatively similar and have been around it, (small stalls, water refill, pulse counter / HP, photocopy, rental PS, motorcycles, etc.).

Though the situation according to the author, a bad precedent for the economic health of the community, because each of them would "kill life"

5. Indeed, the state has made and held various empowerment programs work, but there is a survey that states that the unemployment / poverty reached almost 40 million, is one of the indicators can be achieved whether or not the programs mentioned above.

6 Provision of soft loans from government is not a small program that is not too good but not the best program. Because it must also be equipped with a briefing on the use of the scientific field of business capital.

7 Difficulties market access, our society tends to be pessimistic and to close down when sulitya sells its products especially applicable exhausted. It is not separated from the overlapping of public knowledge, market competition, and government mediation.

8 of bureaucracy we have not meyentuh and accommodates up to the smallest unit, when the government makes the program are still many people who can not access it because of lack of information, procedural difficulty, up to the game elements.

9 That in general there are some patterns of formal education are still not harmonized between education and the need, for example when a person has completed his high school education and did not proceed to a higher level, there are many who struggle to get their lives because they do not have the provision of sufficient expertise .

In addition to the above authors give critics, but the author also wants to provide solution-top view of the above circumstances, which hopefully would improve the

There are some parts of our education system should be improved;

a) Education is expected to further sharpen the formation of a creative and independent person, so when someone is having trouble finding the job by itself has a good solution.

b) Local education tailored to the needs of an area that has good natural resources,

That during the public character of a region with particular natural resource is only utilizing natural resources and is traditionally accompanied hereditary and not enough knowledge of the field. Then look at it in the context of government educational expertise required to provide education to the younger generation of both formal and informal, so do not look for work outside the region because it can maximize the natural resources area very well and be a source of life .. the government should also facilitate and accommodate the areas subsequent field.

The things that the writer suggested above would have a pretty good influence, among others;

1 Reduce unemployment

With the education pattern of the people mentioned above are not expected to be glued to the job search, but it has created jobs by itself, and the public will be able to do so because it has got the sufficient educational expertise along with creative and independent spirit. And even is not likely to help the community and the investment will go.

2 Reduce Urbanization.

With the creation of a variety of potential sources and opportunities of life, then society itself will not think to look for a job to the urban area, because its region alone already available.

3 Meningkatkatnya standard of living of the community itself, with various productivity of the source of life.



1 Social conditions Society Cinangka Cikancung

a) By geographical region level Cinangka Cikancung are rural areas that are still dominated by traditional agricultural areas (rice fields and plantations), located not far to small towns (Cicalengka, Majalaya) and - / + 40 KM from downtown Bandung.

b) In the area of Social Cinangka Cikancung berpariatif community, the poor, middle and upper, with a level of education which berpariatf also from elementary to graduate level, but is dominated by high school graduates.

2 Potential for Community Empowerment Cinangka Cikancung

a) Processing of agricultural products

b) print red brick

c) Fisheries

d) Bamboo Crafts

3 Issues for Community Empowerment Cinangka Cikancung

In general, the problems described in section B, are also problems that occur in society Cikancung Cinangka region. Because the description portion of the analysis results Cinangka Cikancung author of Society.

Specifically that community empowerment Cinangka sevcara Cikancung can not dig up all the original potential of the source of life in the region for a variety of reasons have been put forward.

Step 4 - Strategic Community Empowerment Cinangka step Cikancung

a) Governments

1) Formal education / compulsory school, has been described above

2) Provide continuous guidance and counseling, school kind of special skill expertise on raw materials / potential that exists in the region Cinangka Cikancung

3) Soft loan capital along with technical guidance on the use of such capital business field implementation,

Loans are not always to be in the form of money, but can also be in the form of physical goods, processing machines, printers, seeds, etc..

4) Helping to mediate / accommodate market needs.

b) Society

1) Proactive on the potential of natural resources and human resources area.

2) The establishment of organizations and business groups are just one group of each line of business.


Pheni Chalid, Otonomi Daerah, Masalah, Pemberdayaan, dan Konflik, 2005, Kemitraan

Zaki Mubarak, Jurnal Evaluasi Pemberdayaan Masyarakat , 2010, Semarang, UNDIP

Permendagri No.7 Tahun 2007 tentang Kader Pemberdayaan Masyarakat

Peta Jalan PNPM Mandiri, Menuju Keberlangsungan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat,  Tim Nasional Percepatan Penanggulangan Kemiskinan (TNP2K) Jakarta, September 2012 

[1] Zaki Mubarak, Jurnal Evaluasi Pemberdayaan Masyarakat , 2010, Semarang, UNDIP

[2] Permendagri No.7 Tahun 2007 tentang Kader Pemberdayaan Masyarakat)

[3] Pheni Chalid, Otonomi Daerah, Masalah, Pemberdayaan, dan Konflik, 2005, Kemitraan, hal 83

[4] Zaki Mubarak, Jurnal Evaluasi Pemberdayaan Masyarakat , 2010, Semarang, UNDIP, hal 47

[5] Peta Jalan PNPM Mandiri, Menuju Keberlangsungan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat,  Tim Nasional Percepatan Penanggulangan Kemiskinan (TNP2K) Jakarta, September 2012   hal 5

[6] Pheni Chalid, Otonomi Daerah, Masalah, Pemberdayaan, dan Konflik, 2005, Kemitraan, hal 84

[7] Zaki Mubarak, Jurnal Evaluasi Pemberdayaan Masyarakat , 2010, Semarang, UNDIP, hal 96

Wawan Ridwan AS

Author & Editor

Has laoreet percipitur ad. Vide interesset in mei, no his legimus verterem. Et nostrum imperdiet appellantur usu, mnesarchum referrentur id vim.

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